Who we are - what we do
English – our services
The international law firm Stiletto Wilhelm & Colleagues is based in Cologne (Germany). We will soon be opening an office in Miami, Florida.
Our practice extends to all areas of business law and is focused on the counselling of corporate entities and high net worth individuals in the US, Germany, and Europe. We are also representing and consulting different Japanese companies since 2008. In Terms of any kind of litigation or court action we are admitted in German jurisdiction only.
Our daily practice involves advisory services in German corporate, commercial, intellectual property, competition, product liability, employment, and internet law, as well as litigation matters and worldwide debt recovery cases. We will handle your case across national borders, if necessary, with our international network of handpicked attorneys and investigators, especially concerning (stolen) asset recovery and collecting of depts.
Our Services:

international recovery of claims
Every company knows such cases: the customer has ordered and received the value of your performance, but then he refuses to pay. Or you try to obtain compensation or repayment of a loan.
We accurately review your case and then we explain the scope of expedient actions to you. Of course, there are cases in which the debtor is insolvent. Even then, your claim might still be recoverable. Together we should find out for example, whether the debtors CEO is personally liable for your claim. It is also possible that we find a third party, for example, a parent enterprise or a legal successor who has to settle your claim.
In even more annoying matters your debtor is located abroad or fled there.
We are pleased to provide the national or international assertion and enforcement of your claims. Do not write off your debts precipitately!
We have a functioning network of international lawyers, but also of experienced international investigators, with whom we freqently work together. We have successfully located debtors in the United States, across Europe and in Asia to recover receivables on behalf of our clients.
design, review and negotiation of intern. treaties
Our globally acting clients conclude cross-border agreements every day. As part of our service, we create and assess such agreements, if necessary after we have taken a deeper look insight into your business model. Additionally, our long time client relationships created profound industry knowledge on our side.
The spectrum of our service ranges from non-disclosure agreements (NDA) to complex service or supply contracts.
The German legal regulations concerning contractual terms and conditions, or consumer protection require specific knowledge, which we we gladly provide to our clients.
We also consult and accompany you in direct negotiations with your contractors in strategic and legal terms.

litigation in civil matters in Germany
International disputes make it necessary for foreign individuals or companies to consult an attorney admitted in German jurisdiction. German procedural law is complex and differs fundamentally from other rules, e.g., in the US and other countries.
We are admitted to nearly all German courts, for example alll Amtsgericht, Landgericht, Oberlandesgericht, Arbeitsgericht, Landesarbeitsgericht, Bundesarbeitsgericht, Verwaltungsgericht, Oberverwaltungsgericht, Bundesverwaltungsgericht and Bundesverfassungsgericht.
We represent and advise you in legal matters at German courts. Whether you are the plaintiff or defendant, we enforce your rights.
asset recovery
Have you been betrayed and now you are looking for the offender? Someone has stolen your money or valuables and disappeared afterwards? The debtor refuses to pay or claims to be unable to pay?
Together with our reliable network of international attorneys and investigators we globally find hidden debtors and we develop a specific strategy to make the offender pay or to utilize his hidden assets. Therefore, we efficiently exploit all legal (and other) options in the country concerned.
Our goal is to recover your assets. The highly specialized professionals of our network are available worldwide for your case.

competition law, trademark law and copyright law
The protection of intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, designs or copyrights and the rules of fair competition significantly differ from country to country. On behalf of our clients, we protect their intellectual property by filing applications for intellectual property rights and prosecute infringements of rights by third parties.
We will be happy to answer your questions or represent you in or out of court in related disputes.
In Germany a final written warning and temporary legal protection provide effective ways to quickly enforce your rights. The applicable laws and rules are complex.
With our experience from a variety of corresponding cases we protect your legal rights and defend you effectively against attacks or unfair practices of your competitors.
internet law
For eBusiness in Germany you need to know special applicable rules. We observe the developing relevant jurisprudence and use the current legal situation for the benefit of our clients at any time.
Web shops, the imprint obligation, revocation instruction and distance selling directive. Even German but especially international companies don´t know these terms and the resulting legal consequences.
We will help you find your way through the jungle of regulations and answer upcoming questions in your language.

strategic consultancy of corporate entities
Some of our long-term clients are subsidiaries of international parent groups. In their matters it often is necessary to explain the specific provisions of the German law, for example labour law and consumer protection laws to the group management.
Since many years we are consulting Japanese companies concerning German regulations with clear, concise and useful information and guidance to allow them to make informed decisions about the matters for which they seek advice.
The founder of our law firm
Stephan Stiletto earned his university degree in law at the prestigious University of Cologne. With excellent results, he successfully completed the practical graduating in stages at the public prosecutor in Cologne, the local civil court of Bergisch-Gladbach, the Police Department of the administrative district of Oberbergischer Kreis and two of the most prestigious civil and criminal law firms in the area.
As part of a fixed-term employment, he consulted Deutsche Telekom AG in matters of contract law and drafted and negotiated agreements in the field of group-wide content management. Prior to his legal career, he had studied economics at the UGH Siegen.
Together with the influences of his family of entrepreneurs and various internships, these experiences make it is easy for him to grasp complex issues and to evaluate and then present his legal assessment in the often-non-legal language of his clients. He emphasizes practical recommendations to create a basis for a well-informed decision of his clients at any time.
Neither disputes with supposedly “big names” on the opponent side (for example, Wikipedia, Google, media groups, intl. banks) nor complex cross-border issues are unknown territory for him.
Sensitive handling of critical issues and prominent clients as well as enforcing huge or untypical claims are part of Mr. Stilettos expertise.

Please do not hesitate to
contact us
Attorneys at law
Stiletto Wilhelm & Colleagues
Stephan Stiletto
Albin-Köbes-Str. 4
51147 Cologne (Germany)
Tel.: +49 (0) 221 / 955 8782 - 0
Fax.:+49 (0) 221 / 955 8782 - 19
Email: ST@RA-Stiletto.de